Saturday, May 31, 2003

New Tax Rate Structure

So if you make UNDER $28,401 in a year under Bush's new tax law you DON'T receive any tax break AT ALL. Notice how the biggest percentage of a decrease is attached to the wealthiest bracket.

Thursday, May 29, 2003

garbage house weird and bizarre links directory

Add your favorite bizarre/interesting site to the user submitted directory!
What You Are

I am a tiny stompslut who loves to fuck kangaroos.
Aircraft Carrier For Sale

Only 4.5 million dollars!
Tasmanian devil poo paperweights

"Aggressive Tasmanian Devil Poo Paperweights from Tasmania's most ferocious carnivore - Dennis the Devil."
WTC Jokes

"Then there's the retarded terrorist who tried to crash the A-Train into the World Trade Center.........."

Wednesday, May 28, 2003

Ugly People - Ugly Girls - Ugly Guys - Ugly Women - Ugly Men - Priceless Pictures

Hopefully this site can pick up where left off since there's been no activity on that mentioned site in quite a while.

Tuesday, May 27, 2003 - Rumsfeld involved in minor car crash

Damn, not injured! Better luck next time!

Excellent editorial on the "war" on terrorism.

Monday, May 26, 2003

Women losing freedoms in chaos of postwar Iraq

"Although Hussein's secular Baath Party created one of the world's most despotic regimes, it allowed Iraqi women personal rights and freedoms unparalleled in the Persian Gulf. Women could drive, travel abroad alone, study in universities, serve in the army and work side-by-side with men. Iraqi women, who make up at least 55 percent of the population and are among the most educated in the region, can become anything, from college professors to lawyers. They choose whom to marry and whether to marry at all."
Teen Girl Squad

Really bad yet genius!
Root Beer brews - Spike's Reviews and Ratings

"I employ a very rigorous process when taste-testing root beer, in order to determine the most accurate grade. First, I fast for 4 hours. Then I brush my teeth with a new toothbrush using only baking soda. I rinse 3 times with distilled water, then I take some fresh mint (home grown!) and lightly crush it on my tongue. I rinse again, the finish the cleansing of my palette with a very light lime sherbet. Two final rinses and I'm ready to go!"

Sunday, May 25, 2003

I Want an Elephant!

Catchy flash music video.