Friday, April 04, 2003

National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States

"As reported, Secretary Rumsfeld felt the building shake, went outside, saw the damage and started helping the injured onto stretchers. After aiding the victims, the Secretary then went into the 'War Room'.

How is it possible that the National Military Command Center, located in the Pentagon and in contact with law enforcement and air traffic controllers from 8:46 a.m. did not communicate to the Secretary of Defense also at the Pentagon about the other hijacked planes especially the one headed to Washington? How is that Secretary of Defense could have remained at this desk until the crash? Whose responsibility is it to relay emergency situations to him? Is he then supposed to go to the war room?"
Dog chain locked on wife's neck

"Police officers are investigating the bizarre case of a woman whose husband of 15 years is accused of keeping her on a 25-foot chain similar to those used for dogs."

Thursday, April 03, 2003

Ignore German History at Your Own Peril

Best Hitler/Bush correlation article I've read.
The silent leader - Mar. 31, 2003

"Since President Bush's last big tax-cut of $1.35 trillion passed the Congress some 23 months ago, the national debt we are passing on to our children -- including those brave young men and women who come back from Iraq -- has increased by close to $820 billion."
X-Entertainment - Candy From the 80s - With Commercial Downloads!

I like Bonkers commercials where people get crushed by giant strawberries!
The White Rose

For all those people who think anyone who naysays the government is treason. Conservative prowar freaks like Michael Savage and O'Reilly would probably have supported Germany given the context of them being alive and born in Germany. Support the government no matter what! (sarcasm)

Wednesday, April 02, 2003

Los Angeles Times - Editor's Note

"The primary subject of the photo was a British soldier directing Iraqi civilians to take cover from Iraqi fire on the outskirts of Basra. After publication, it was noticed that several civilians in the background appear twice. The photographer, Brian Walski, reached by telephone in southern Iraq, acknowledged that he had used his computer to combine elements of two photographs, taken moments apart, in order to improve the composition."
The Basics -- Beat a speeding ticket to keep your rates down

"No one keeps an exact count of how many speeding tickets are issued each year, but one estimate puts the number at about 14 million. Most of those nabbed admit their guilt and either pay a fine or take advantage of a re-education program to mitigate or erase the effect of the ticket. Only about 3% of ticketed drivers head to court to challenge the ticket and try to beat the rap."

Tuesday, April 01, 2003

N Korea rights 'worse than Iraq'

"The report gives no rankings of countries in terms of human rights, but, asked in a BBC interview whether Iraq was the world's worst violator of human rights, State Department official Lorne Craner replied: "No, I would think that honour probably goes to North Korea."
Guardian Unlimited | Marine who said no to killing on his conscience

"I know I have to be punished for going UA," Mr Funk told the Guardian in an interview before surrendering to authorities, "but I would rather take my punishment now than live with what I would have to do [in Iraq] for the rest of my life. I would be going in knowing that it was wrong and that would be hypocritical."
Partisan Casualties

"McGriff, a software engineer from Waukesha, was driving alone on Interstate 94 a few miles east of Eau Claire when a wild turkey flew out from nearby trees and smashed through the windshield, passed between the two front-seat headrests and landed in the backseat."

Monday, March 31, 2003

U.S. Prepared to Pay 'High Price' to Oust Saddam

Let's see how we pay the price. WE pay for the war. The corporations get rich off of rebuilding. We lose our freedoms under the guise of "liberating" Iraq. Our boys lose their lives while you armchair orchestrate the invasion from thousands of miles away. Yeah - we damn well do pay a 'High Price' considering everything we have to lose.

Sunday, March 30, 2003

Professor Marc Herold, Ph.D. - University of New Hampshire

"A Dossier on Civilian Victims of United States' Aerial Bombing of Afghanistan: A Comprehensive Accounting."
Special Search Operations Yield No Banned Weapons (

But WAIT - if we KNOW they HAVE weapons of mass destruction (which is WHY we invaded) then we SHOULD KNOW where they are right? right?
Plans For Iraq Attack Began On 9/11 | September 5, 2002 10:09:38

"CBS News has learned that barely five hours after American Airlines Flight 77 plowed into the Pentagon, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld was telling his aides to come up with plans for striking Iraq — even though there was no evidence linking Saddam Hussein to the attacks."

"Go massive," the notes quote him as saying. "Sweep it all up. Things related and not."
Coyote Ugly (2000) - RUTHLESS REVIEWS

"I actually remember very little about the "film" other than the fact that it sucked in every single way a "movie" can."
US forces' use of depleted uranium weapons is 'illegal'

"Rokke said: 'There is a moral point to be made here. This war was about Iraq possessing illegal weapons of mass destruction -- yet we are using weapons of mass destruction ourselves.' He added: 'Such double-standards are repellent.'