Saturday, April 13, 2002
Scoop: INVESTIGATION: Sept 11th - Unanswered Questions
Definitive list of all the indiscrepencies surround 9/11.
Definitive list of all the indiscrepencies surround 9/11.
Technical Virgin | Our Message to Teens
Alternative to viriginity? Keeping your cherry safe? Anal sex.
Alternative to viriginity? Keeping your cherry safe? Anal sex.
Mullet Madness - Tribute to a great hairstyle and culture.
One of the many mullet sites out there but this one has nice design and funny news stories.
One of the many mullet sites out there but this one has nice design and funny news stories.
Willem Dafoe: Addictive Art
"Willem Dafoe has plunked down $30,000 for a tapestry made out of discarded drug baggies - some still stuffed with heroin, cocaine and marijuana."
"Willem Dafoe has plunked down $30,000 for a tapestry made out of discarded drug baggies - some still stuffed with heroin, cocaine and marijuana."
Police Dog Severs Suspect's Penis
All over allegedly stealing a pack of cigarettes? I can imagine a nice hefty lawsuit coming...
All over allegedly stealing a pack of cigarettes? I can imagine a nice hefty lawsuit coming...
911 Things To Hate About America
Jay Leno's chin, God, Jesus, Old people in casinos, Face recognition technology.
Jay Leno's chin, God, Jesus, Old people in casinos, Face recognition technology.
Paramedic molests ambulance patient
"In the less than three minutes it took for the ambulance to arrive at the hospital, Suzuki climbed into the rear of the vehicle and massaged and fondled the woman's breasts, telling her it was a necessary examination."
"In the less than three minutes it took for the ambulance to arrive at the hospital, Suzuki climbed into the rear of the vehicle and massaged and fondled the woman's breasts, telling her it was a necessary examination."
Friday, April 12, 2002
12-year-old smuggler swallows 87 condoms of heroin - April 12, 2002
Christ - all the neoxynol 9 - I couldn't imagine swallowing 87 condoms WITHOUT heroin in them - let alone WITH. haha.
Christ - all the neoxynol 9 - I couldn't imagine swallowing 87 condoms WITHOUT heroin in them - let alone WITH. haha.
Cotard's Syndrome
"The patient may say that he has lost his heart, blood, or intestines; may believe that the world outside (other people, houses, trees, etc.) does not exist, or, paradoxically, come to believe that he or she is immortal."
"The patient may say that he has lost his heart, blood, or intestines; may believe that the world outside (other people, houses, trees, etc.) does not exist, or, paradoxically, come to believe that he or she is immortal."
Mucko driven to kill Hitler
"The lawyer for accused mass killer Michael ``Mucko'' McDermott said his intoxicated client blasted seven co-workers because he thought they were Hitler and six Nazi generals who needed to be stopped to prevent the Holocaust."
"The lawyer for accused mass killer Michael ``Mucko'' McDermott said his intoxicated client blasted seven co-workers because he thought they were Hitler and six Nazi generals who needed to be stopped to prevent the Holocaust."
Tuesday, April 09, 2002
Hugh Grant tells Britney to do less exercise
"Hugh Grant says Britney Spears' legs are getting too muscular." - "He says he would prefer to go out with Britney rather than Madonna if he had a chance."
Um - who would you date or who would you fuck? Who the hell would want to date either? Come to think of it - who would want to fuck either?
"Hugh Grant says Britney Spears' legs are getting too muscular." - "He says he would prefer to go out with Britney rather than Madonna if he had a chance."
Um - who would you date or who would you fuck? Who the hell would want to date either? Come to think of it - who would want to fuck either?
Neuhausplatz 200NC, "look ma, no case"
Some odd computer mod case that looks like a huge lump of cottage cheese. Looks sweet!
Some odd computer mod case that looks like a huge lump of cottage cheese. Looks sweet!
s y b e r p u n k . c o m - Engrish
Signs and other items in Japan that have poor English translations - thereby funny as hell!
Signs and other items in Japan that have poor English translations - thereby funny as hell!
Japanese leader warns China of nuclear option
Hm...Japan is basically saying "China: Don't build up to a big enough level where you could actually be a threat - say as perhaps our country in WW2 when we slaughtered over 100,000 Chinese in Nanking and set up the biological warfare experiment camp Unit 731 in Manchuria which made German concentration camps look like Peewee's Playhouse. Yeah - don't become an imperialist invaders cause we never would.
Hm...Japan is basically saying "China: Don't build up to a big enough level where you could actually be a threat - say as perhaps our country in WW2 when we slaughtered over 100,000 Chinese in Nanking and set up the biological warfare experiment camp Unit 731 in Manchuria which made German concentration camps look like Peewee's Playhouse. Yeah - don't become an imperialist invaders cause we never would.
Magic Fingers Vibrating Beds
""Yeah, that's me," said Mr. Gill, who is one of the last of his kind. He owns 775 "Magic Fingers" bed-vibration machines, stationed in 40 independent motels from central Washington to western Montana. The 25-cent, 15-minute bed-shake was common in motels all over the country in the 1960s and 1970s before vandalism and seedy connotations sealed their fate."
""Yeah, that's me," said Mr. Gill, who is one of the last of his kind. He owns 775 "Magic Fingers" bed-vibration machines, stationed in 40 independent motels from central Washington to western Montana. The 25-cent, 15-minute bed-shake was common in motels all over the country in the 1960s and 1970s before vandalism and seedy connotations sealed their fate."
Monday, April 08, 2002
American Military Operation Name Generating Device
Operation Oil-lusting Judgement came up - how appropriate.
Operation Oil-lusting Judgement came up - how appropriate.
Coach apparently swallows cyanide in court
"A high school basketball coach who was convicted of sexually assaulting a boy at an athletic camp apparently ingested cyanide in court moments after hearing the verdict."
- A little ball handling on the side will have consequences!
"A high school basketball coach who was convicted of sexually assaulting a boy at an athletic camp apparently ingested cyanide in court moments after hearing the verdict."
- A little ball handling on the side will have consequences! - Helping Israel torture, molest, abuse, and kill more Palestinian children.
Hacked web site - visit as quickly as possible before it gets changed back! Classic
Hacked web site - visit as quickly as possible before it gets changed back! Classic
Sunday, April 07, 2002
USA and Israel terror in Palestine and Lebenon
Pictures of American and Israeli war terror that DOESN'T make it onto CNN (of course).
Pictures of American and Israeli war terror that DOESN'T make it onto CNN (of course).
Million Dollar Challenge
"At JREF, we offer a one-million-dollar prize to anyone who can show, under proper observing conditions, evidence of any paranormal, supernatural, or occult power or event."
"At JREF, we offer a one-million-dollar prize to anyone who can show, under proper observing conditions, evidence of any paranormal, supernatural, or occult power or event."
Are humans meat eaters or vegetarians by nature?
Hopefully putting to rest the argument once and for all.
Hopefully putting to rest the argument once and for all.