Saturday, October 12, 2002

Win a Delorean!

Win a 1981 DeLorean!
Homage to Contra III

"Everything about this game is no joke. Right off the bat, your character starts out with a rapid fire machine gun and an invincibility barrier for 15 seconds of invincibility so you don't have to put up with any bullshit cheap shots while you're getting accustomed to the controls...You won't find any 5-minute loading times or 45-minute introductions in this game. Instead, you'll find 31 flavors of ass kicking with a side of good old fashioned beat-down."

Friday, October 11, 2002

Maryland Sniper - What a Douche!

"Col. W. Gerald MASSENGILL, superintendent of Virginia State Police, cautioned the public not to focus only on white vans."

Ok Douchebag - maybe if the pigs focused on not being on TV every 13 minutes they MIGHT find the guy who's doing this.
WH prepares for post war Iraq

Ok - Dubya says "war is the last answer" which anyone WITH a brain could see through in half a second - but now he's already jumped ahead to POST-war Iraq. Yeah - according to Dubya - war really was the ONLY option wasn't it? Regime change begins at home people.

Thursday, October 10, 2002

Girls Boarding School

Speaking out of turn will NOT be tolerated.
Flash Gatso shooting game

Shoot out the speed cameras.
xaioxaio HK fighting Flash

User controlled flash fighting game with stick figures.
Enhanced 911

Enhanced 911 can suck my fat cock. Anyone who falls for this Big Brother tactic is either a drooling vegetable or a Bush supporter. Positioning in cell phones is there purely for marketing and snooping reasons but all they need to do is package it with a catch phrase such as "Trueposition" and bundle the phone with a copy of Donkey Kong and Americans can't take out their credit cards fast enough.
Welcome to WorldLinkTV Online

"WorldLink TV is the first national network offering a global perspective on news, current events and culture, presenting viewpoints seldom covered in the U.S. media."

Wednesday, October 09, 2002

Buttlickin Ave

Buttlickin Ave and Fagdaddy St.

Best "coming soon" page I've seen yet.
No Fatties

Not a very extensive web site but I'll give it points for a clean design and easy navigation (none).
Maryland Sniper - Where’s the Justice League when you need them?

"...and the cops are too busy smiling for the cameras to stop him. You wouldn’t see Batman caught up in a press conference, because he fights crime, as apposed to handing out traffic tickets to increase revenue for the city. You wouldn’t see Spider-Man or Superman running back home to make sure their loved ones are safe before heading off to stop the Mysterious Sniper."
Man lives after he is shot 25 times

"Once that weapon emptied, he produced a second weapon and continued to fire," police said. "When the second weapon emptied, he produced yet a third and continued to fire."

Tuesday, October 08, 2002

Britney Spears Fake Nudes

Large index of fake pictures.

Sunday, October 06, 2002

Kill Whitey Baby Bib!

Support Garbage House and buy a Kill Whitey bib for your drooling kids!

Pit two searches up against each other for the ultimate Google duel.
Common Rider: Jessie Michaels Interview

Jessie Michaels from Operation Ivy gives an interview about Op Ivy and his new band Common Rider which is currently on tour.
How To Lie About Iraq

"Iraq had tried to thwart the mobility of inspectors to presidential sites because it was suspected that these visits were gathering intelligence on the whereabouts of Saddam and his security apparatus, and not concentrating on weapons of the destruction of these weapons. These suspicions were later confirmed when the U.N. admitted, much to its shame, that several inspectors were working for the CIA and Israel's Mossad. Iraq prevented their access to presidential sites fearing for the security of the Iraqi government. The U.S. ordered all U.N. inspectors out of Iraq (a decision not sanctioned by the Security Council) and immediately began bombing the very sites where the inspectors had carried out intelligence gathering. Iraq never kicked out the inspectors - the U.S ordered them out."