"Jose Federico Sanchez Guerro was working at the machine, which chops hay bales into 2-inch chunks for cow feed, at Smith Dairy on Wednesday morning when the accident occurred."
"Wayne Kinsey, is apt to come zipping down the hallway on his new $160,100 toy, a much-heralded scooter known variably as IT, Ginger or now, officially, Segway."
- Why don't you buy a 4 million dollar blowjob downtown while you're at it?
The U.S. will do whatever it takes to get this war against Iraq started - including denying visas to Iraqi Foreign Minister Naji Sabri who is supposed to appear at the UN regarding complying with UN inspections in order to lift sanctions. U.S. says no - that shit don't matter - we just want the oil. Once again - our tax dollars at work.
Buy a ready done eulogy for your mom. Jesus - what loser would buy this? Maybe if your mom was some cunt from hell I could see buying a eulogy for her but otherwise...
Huh? The Replacements? Last time I checked they were a bunch of rocking drunks from Minneapolis - not a bunch of homo limeys who look like they spend their free time watching Gidget movies on the Superstation.
"A 15-year-old boy who "hated his aunt" offered a classmate $1,000 and a Sony PlayStation to kill her, according to the Arapahoe County Sheriff's Office."
- Not even a PS2? Or an Xbox? Fuck dude - up the ante a bit. Kill your niece for a Colecovision?
"A woman shot and killed her husband, sister and mother before she turned the gun on herself, leaving a note on the front door that read: "Call 911. Door is unlocked. We are all dead.
The note concluded by saying, "Thank you for your love and care."
"Now witness the epic battle between MouseTick Ninja and his arch enemy, who is so "arch" that even his name is not known! It is sure to be a tense battle!"
I work doing tech support for Xbox unfortunately. The job sucks incredible ass and I'm presently looking for a new job. The customers that call in are Springer fodder and for the most part all i want to do is prop their mouth open on the curb and jump on their head. Anyway, here is my list of some of the idiotic things the typical Xbox owner calls in saying.